We offer a range of planned maintenance contracts to look after customers’ High Voltage equipment, whilst also taking on the role of Authorised Person where required.
Contracts include:
- 24/7 365 days a year call-out
- Annual visual inspections on all HV equipment
- A written report outlining any faults and costings to repair
- First-year shutdown works with full protection testing
- Oil Sampling
- Desiccant Breather Replacement
- Full Health and Safety substation signage
- Optional PD Monitoring
- Site Schematic installed in every substation
Our engineers are available nationwide in the event of loss of power and we also carry out cable location and fault finding to ensure the issue is rectified as quickly as possible. We also have a large stock of transformers and switchgear at our unit in Leeds, removing procurement lead times to minimise site disruption.

Partial Discharge Testing
Partial Discharge (PD) is widely regarded as the best early warning indicator of the deterioration of high voltage equipment. We, therefore, offer an optional PD service on all our maintenance contracts to indicate any incipient faults in HV insulation. PD testing has several benefits such as:
- Suports condition-based maintenance
- Avoids unplanned outages and improves network reliability
- Obtains baseline PD readings to evaluate insulation and installation quality
- Increases safety – mostly with switchgear, outdoor HV plant, and cable sealing ends
- Extends asset life, delaying capital replacement (ageing population problem)
All maintenance inspections are completed digitally through Protean software which means all information is automatically transferred back to our head office for analysis and interpretation into a report. If required customers can be sent an immediate job sheet that details all the information of the completed site maintenance inspection.
Completed reports detail equipment as pass or fail, with additional information regarding remedial work included where necessary. The safety of our customers is of the utmost importance to us so identifying failed equipment is very important, and these unsatisfactory areas must be rectified as soon as possible.
All customers will receive a final report advising on areas for remedial work, and a copy of all inspection sheets for their record.